The Naruto Cookbook is a fan project centred around food as the heart of any community and the relationships within it. Cuisines, characters and relationships of all kinds will be featured.

Aftersale shipping is complete, this zine has wrapped. Thank you all for your support in the project!


PhaseStart DateEnd Date
October 1st, 2022November 30th, 2022
Contributor ApplicationsDecember 1st, 2022January 31st, 2023
Acceptance Letters SentFebruary 5th, 2023February 10th, 2023
Contributor AssignmentsMarch
1st, 2023
5th, 2023
Creation PeriodMarch
5th, 2023
15th, 2023
Pre-Orders OpenOctober 15th, 2023November 30th, 2023
February 1st, 2024date estimated

Participant Roles

BaristaHot Drink3
ChefSide Dish3
ChefMain Dish3
Recipe ArtistIllustration18
Cover ArtistIllustration1

Contributor Requirements

Please Note: The following requirements are in regards to the final pieces contributors will create for the cookbook. The application requirements are separate and can be found on the 'apply' page.
Food/Drink Contributors
2 well composed photos of dish/drink
Clearly laid out recipe + ingredients
Name of dish/drink
1, 2, 3: Cocktail w/ Virgin Alt
1: Tea Beverage w/ Lactose Free Alt
2: Coffee Beverage w/ Lactose Free Alt
3: Chocolate Beverage w/ Lactose Free Alt
Appetizer Chef
1: Meat Dish
2: Vegetarian Dish
3: Kosher or Halal Dish
Side Dish Chef
1: Meat Dish
2: Vegetarian Dish
3: Kosher or Halal Dish
Main Dish Chef
1: Meat Dish
2: Vegetarian Dish
3: Kosher or Halal Dish
1, 2: Any
3: Lactose Free

Fic/Art Contributors
One: 50 word introduction of dish/drink written from character POV
One: 800-1,000 word ficlet of character(s) creating/enjoying/sharing their dish/drink
Recipe Artist
One: small, simple illustration of dish/drink
One: full colour, full size illustration of the character(s) creating/enjoying/sharing their dish/drink (as shown in the fic)
Cover Artist
One: full colour cover illustration of all of the characters enjoying a meal as a group
One: back cover illustration of whatever you feel best represents the contentment after a shared meal

Application Requirements

Please Note
All contributors must be 18+
The work you use for your application will not be the work used for the cookbook.Artists & Authors: The samples you provide do not need to be about food.There will be a list of Naruto/Boruto themed foods and drinks on the application. You'll be able to select any you're interested in working on.
Food/Drink Applications
2-3 clearly laid out recipes of your own creation

3-5 well composed photos of dishes/drinks you've made

2-5 rough ideas of dishes/drinks you'd be interested in making for the project

Fic/Art Applications
[1-2 pieces, wc: 50-150, 1st/2nd person POV]
Provide samples of your writing that show your ability to capture a character's voice in the first or second person perspective within a limited word count. These samples are used as a point of comparison that proves you will be able to write the introduction for your dish/drink from your character's perspective within the applied character limit.
[3-5 pieces, wc: 500-1,500, any POV]
Provide samples of your work that you feel best represent you as a writer. At least one must be in the Naruto fandom.
3-5 examples of your work that you feel best represent your style as an artist

Applications have closed, thank you for your interest in the project.


The Cookbook
18 recipes from various backgrounds
Accompanying ficlets & illustrations
Varied characters/ships/families/friendships

Recipe Box + Cards
NSFW Mini Zine
Once we reach the pre-sale, there will be stretch goals for additional merchandise.

Content Rules
The cookbook will be SFW
Canon and Fanon both allowed
Cross-gen ships allowed
Parent/Child ships not allowed
Minor/Adult ships not allowed

This zine will be made at cost, meaning there will be no profit and what you pay for merchandise covers the cost of production, shipping, and contributor bundles.

Project MOD
Birdie || BitchBot3000
Birdie has several years of experience working as an event organizer and dealing with both the personnel and production requirements thereof in addition to having run various fan events and organized several community zines in a financial, creative and administrative capacity.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why has [dietary restriction] not been accommodated?A: There are two reasons:
First, there are simply too many different dietary restrictions to accommodate all of them in one project.
Second, because the availability and quality of so many dietary substitutions is dictated by region and budget, it's more feasible to expect people to choose their own.
Q: Why is there so much time between pre-orders and shipping?A: Two reasons.
One: merchandise is only produced after orders have been placed and we know how many units to order.
Two: over the last few years, there have been enough unprecedented shipping and supply issues that we will be erring on the side of caution and building extra room for possible delays into the ship date.
Q: With so much time between orders and shipping, how will I know the project is still progressing?A: Keep an eye on the tumblr and twitter, there will be order placement, arrival, and shipping updates posted on both platforms.Q: Why are you allowing fanon ships?A: Because this is a fan project, and fan ships are a major part of any fandom.
Participation Questions
Q: Am I allowed to apply for/work on multiple roles/pieces/recipes?A: Absolutely! However, everyone will be limited to a maximum of 3 roles and/or 3 pieces. To clarify, this does not mean you can create 3 pieces per role, it means you can create a maximum of 3 pieces, and those pieces can be spread over 3 different roles.Q: Who gets to choose the recipes? Who gets to choose the characters and settings?A: Food/Drink Contributors will choose the recipes. Both artists and writers will have the opportunity to submit ideas for characters and settings.Q: What do I get for contributing?A: All contributors will be entitled to a full contributor bundle, featuring the cookbook and all available merchandise, free of cost.
Application Questions: Artists/Writers
Q: Do my application samples have to be about food?A: No, your application samples can be about any subject as long as you feel they represent you well as an author/artist.Q: Do my application samples have to be made specifically for this project?A: Not at all. People typically use work they've already completed for the application process. If you would like to create something specifically for the application, you're allowed, but it's in no way a requirement.Q: Do my application samples have to be of the same fandom/character I'm applying for?A: Your samples can be of any character or relationship, but we do ask that at least one be based in the Naruto fandom.Q: Can my application samples be NSFW?A: At least one sample should be SFW. If you would like to create additional work for the NSFW Mini Zine [merch item], there will be an opportunity on the form to submit additional NSFW samples.Q: Do my application samples have to be stand-alone?A: Not at all. Your samples can be excerpts from a work of any size or type.

Contributor Applications

Please NoteMake sure you have read through and understood the Schedule, Roles and Information pages before applying.

Contributor Lineup

Food/Drink Contributors

Cover/Page/Merch Artists

